The Journal of Islamic Political Studies is committed to publishing and widely disseminating high-quality content. The editorial operations of the Journal of Islamic Political Studies must be governed by rigorous ethical standards that are both transparent and fair. We recognize that the scholarly publishing ecosystem is complex and includes editors, authors, reviewers, and publishers. We expect that all involved have a shared understanding and acceptance of the journal’s policies on publication ethics and malpractice. Our policies are closely aligned with COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Core Practices document, which can be accessed at: COPE Core Practices.
By submitting an article to the Journal of Islamic Political Studies, you agree to comply with the following publication ethics and malpractice statement.
Responsibility of the Author
1. The ultimate responsibility for the content of the article rests with the author (or authors) of the article.
2. The article or part of it should not be submitted concurrently to another publication or for presentation at a conference or similar event. If this issue is identified, the article will be removed from the journal and will be dealt with the regulations.
3. The author should refrain from any kind of unethical research behavior in his research, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, hiring others to conduct research, and mentioning his name as the author, resending his previous articles or part of them published in domestic or foreign publications.
4. The article should avoid any kind of plagiarism (from author's or others' works such as quoting a phrase or quoting a subject or stealing the idea of others without citation) and authors are obliged to correct the accuracy of their work before submitting the article to the journal. Rest assured (see Authors' Guide).
5. Authors are required to make clear any conflicts of interest that may affect the outcome of the research or the interpretation of their findings or that may conflict with the interests of other institutions or individuals.
6. If available, the financial resources of the research sponsor should be completely clear and transparent (refer to the authors' guide section for a conflict of interest declaration form).
7. If an author notices a significant mistake or negligence in his work at any stage (before or after the publication of the article), he is obliged to inform the journal immediately.
8. The corresponding author must register the names and information of all co-authors in the system at the same time as submitting the article.
9. It is possible to change the names of co-authors and corresponding authors with the approval and signature of all authors before the consequence of the review is determined. After accepting the article, it is not possible to change the names of authors, the order of authors, and corresponding authors.
10. It is necessary to sign the letter of commitment by all authors of the article and send it along with the article. The responsibility for the content of the article lies with all authors. (See the authors' guide for the form).
11. The article should avoid any kind of racial, ethnic, gender, or political discrimination.
12. To maintain the confidentiality of the evaluation process, authors should refrain from providing any information in the article that would lead to their recognition.
13. The use of tables, pictures, diagrams, and questionnaires developed by others in the article or research report requires reference to the original text.
14. Citing credible sources: The sources used in the article should be reliable and credible and dubious or unreliable sources should not be used or cited.
15. If the author (s) of the article decide to withdraw the article from the journal at any stage of the article review and before publication, this request must be sent to the journal with the signature and approval of all authors through the system. Authors are required to pay and reimburse all costs incurred in connection with the article.
16. After the publication of the article, the authors can request the removal of the article from the journal only if there are irreparable errors and mistakes in the article. This request must be submitted to the journal with the signature and approval of all authors and mentioning all the reasons for requesting the removal of the article. The editorial board will decide after reviewing the reasons. Also, after deleting the article, in the first current issue of the journal, the reasons for this will be announced to the scientific community by the editor.
The article registration will inform all authors by sending an e-mail to the journal of Journal of Islamic Political Studies website. It is evident that inserting the author’s name in the article is considered as his/her main role in writing the essay if the essay authors have no role in writing the essay and their name has not been mentioned. It is necessary to inform the received information by e-mail immediately. All the authors of the article are responsible for the origin of the work. All assessment rights for plagiarism checking in the journal are reserved.
Plagiarism has a variety of forms:
The journal editors will study plagiarism items for preserving the validity and the efforts of researchers without any overlook or indulgence based on the level of plagiarism then legally pursued as follows:
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. Examples of potential conflicts of interest which should be disclosed include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed to the editor at the earliest stage possible. Readers should be informed about who has funded the research and the role of the funders in the research.
Fundamental errors in published works
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, the author must promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper. If the editor or the publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains a significant error, the author must promptly retract or correct the paper or provide evidence to the editor of the correctness of the original paper.
Conflict of Interests
The author should express the resources of the financial scheme in the text of the article and then applies to submit it. Each of the mentioned resources should be printed with the article. If the type of situation, which shows the contrast, is doubtful, it should be clarified; any item in the field of conflict of benefits should inform the editor or the publishing office. The corresponding author can recommend the probable reviewer for the article at the time of submitting the essay to the journal of Journal of Islamic Political Studies. Authors must avoid any probable contrasts or actions in selecting the editors and reviewers. This kind of conflict of benefits is not only applied to the corresponding author but also includes all the co-authors of the article.
The examples of possible Conflicts of Interest are as follows:
Authors should not introduce or name the reviewers who know them and have previously read the manuscript in some way and have put forward their hypothesis because this movement is contrary to the hidden assessment process of the article automatically. Manuscripts submitted by authors from our institution or our reviewers’ board should be reviewed by referees from outside. Articles submitted by reviewers and the Editorial Committee for review or revision and resubmission by the author if necessary.
Responsibility of Reviewers
1. The reviewers should assist the editor and members of the editorial board in accepting or rejecting the article by examining the content and quality of the article and contribute to improving the quality level of the article and the journal by sending corrections to the authors.
2. The reviewer should inform the editor of the publication of his decision to accept or reject the article immediately after reviewing the summary of it, (due to irrelevant subject to the reviewer's field of work, lack of time, etc.) and if the reviewer accepts, he should review the article in due time.
3. The reviewer should refuse to assess the article if it is outside the scope of his expertise.
4. The reviewer should respect the confidentiality of the evaluation process and should not share information about the article with others before, during, and after the review.
5. The reviewer should evaluate articles objectively, impartially and fairly, and avoid personal bias in his recommendations and judgments.
6. The review of articles should be based on sufficient scientific documentation and reasoning and should be clearly stated. the ethnic, national, racial, political, religious, and gender issues should be avoided in the review.
7. The reviewers are obliged to identify and review the sources referred to by the author.
8. The reviewers are obliged to inform the editor if they see any similarities or overlaps between the submitted work and another work.
9. The reviewers should not use information or ideas gained in the evaluation process for personal profits.
10. The reviewers are required to refrain from evaluating articles considered to be in conflict of interest, including common financial, organizational, personal, or any other affiliation with companies, entities, or individuals associated with the articles.
11. If the reviewer knows the identity of the authors, he should not enter into discussions and communication with them directly without the permission of the editor.
12. If the reviewers of the article find out that the article has been submitted to another publication or that the article is taken from the published or unpublished works of others, they should inform the editor.
13. The reviewers should refrain from using offensive, harsh or unscientific expressions in the review.
14. The reviewer should not leave the review of the article to another person without the permission of the editor.
Responsibility of the Editor
1. The editor of the journal is responsible for making the final decision in accepting or rejecting the submitted articles, and this is done with the cooperation of the editorial board and concerning issues related to copyright, plagiarism, etc., as well as the discretion of the reviewers.
2. Editors should constantly strive to improve the quality of the publication.
3. The editor should have the freedom and authority to perform the duties of an editor, including accepting or rejecting articles while maintaining scientific independence. In this regard, he should not be influenced by non-scientific and non-professional factors.
4. The editor's judgment of the articles should be based solely on scientific competence. Therefore, personal bias or consideration of nationality, gender, religion, and ethnic, racial, and political issues should not be considered as a criterion for rejecting and accepting articles.
5. The editor and the editorial board should not disclose information about the article except to the reviewers, authors, and editors.
6. The part of the articles that have not been published should not be used in the personal research of the editor or the editorial board.
7. Confidential information or ideas obtained through the evaluation of articles must be kept confidential and not used for personal profit.
8. The editor should always suggest and implement strategies to improve the quality of articles.
9. The editor should try to respond to the needs and questions and requests of the audience and authors.
10. The editor should be diligent in teaching research ethics to authors and audiences.
11. Ethical and rational standards should not be overshadowed by financial needs in the performance of editorial duties.
12. The editor should respect the corrections proposed by the reviewers and, in turn, the reasoned and logical answers of the authors.
13. The editor is obliged to select suitable reviewers for the articles in accordance with the title of each article and according to the specialized field.
14. The editor should be careful that the article is not subject to copyright or plagiarism.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Reviewers will not use unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their research purposes without the author’s explicit written consent. Reviewers will recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers. Editors should follow the procedure set out in the COPE flowchart. Editors should respond promptly to complaints and should ensure there is a way for dissatisfied complainants to take complaints further.
Copyright and License
The Journal of Islamic Political Studies is a fully open-access journal, which means that all articles are available on the Web to all users immediately upon publication. All articles are published under a Creative Commons License. Therefore, the copyright of articles accepted for publication rests with the author(s). Author(s) retain copyright to their work without restrictions. The author(s) has complete control over the work (e.g. retains the right to reuse, distribute, republish, etc.). All content of the Journal is published with open access under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), which allows users to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
Plagiarism Policy
The Journal of Islamic Political Studies adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). We accept all terms and conditions of COPE about plagiarism and in case, any attempt of plagiarism is brought to our attention accompanied by convincing evidence, we act based on flowcharts and workflows determined in COPE.
The Editorial Boards of the Journal of Islamic Political Studies take the necessary measures to examine the incoming articles on their originality, reliability of contained information, and correct use of citations. The Editorial Board of the journal acknowledges that plagiarism is unacceptable and therefore establishes the following policies that state-specific actions (penalties) if plagiarism is identified in a manuscript submitted for publication in the journal.
Authors should ensure that they submit only entirely original works. If they have used the work and/or statements of others, this must be appropriately cited or referenced. Plagiarism in any form, including quotations or paraphrasing of substantial parts of another’s article (without attribution), “passing off” another’s article as the author’s own, or claiming results from research conducted by others, constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Manuscripts that are a compilation of previously published materials of other authors (without their own creative and authoring interpretation) are not accepted for publication. It is unacceptable to use “unfair” text borrowing and assigning research results not belonging to the authors of the submitted manuscript. The authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript:
- describes completely the original work;
- is not plagiarism;
- has not been published before in any language;
- the information used or words from other publications are appropriately indicated by reference or indicated in the text.
Existing copyright laws and conventions must be observed. Materials protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures, or large quotations) should only be reproduced with the permission of their owner. The Journal of Islamic Political Studies takes responsibility to assist the scientific community in all aspects of publication ethics policy, particularly in the case of multiple submissions/publications and plagiarism. The editors reserve the right to check the received manuscripts for plagiarism. The manuscript submitted to the journal must have a similarity level of less than 10%. Similarity per each detected reference also must be a maximum of 1%. The textual similarity in the amount of more than 10% is unacceptable.
The Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of manuscripts in this journal by using Grammarly detection software ( and using iThenticate. The journal will immediately reject articles leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The journal adheres to international practices of preventing plagiarism. Thus, all authors that submit their manuscripts to the journal must check that their academic work respects the copyrights of other scholars and avoids any plagiarism. Once the manuscript is submitted to the journal, the editorial board will assign a group of anti-plagiarism members to check the manuscript through various tools. If proof of plagiarism is found, the manuscript will be rejected immediately, and the Editorial Board will communicate with the author to demand an explanation and the amendment of the plagiarized content. If the author does not respond within a reasonable length of time or does not make the necessary adjustments, they will not be able to submit manuscripts to the journal for a period of five (5) years. If the Editorial Board has reason to believe that the manuscript was not drafted or researched in an ethical manner, the journal’s implemented code of ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics [Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors]) will be reviewed and acted accordingly.
Open Access Policy
The Journal of Islamic Political Studies provides immediate open access to its content. Our publisher, the Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, abides by the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of Open Access:
“By 'open access' to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public Internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.”
Researchers engage in discovery for the public good, yet because of cost barriers or use restrictions imposed by other publishers, research results are not available to the full community of potential users. It is our mission to support a greater global exchange of knowledge by making the research published in this journal open to the public and reusable under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Furthermore, we encourage authors to post their pre-publication manuscripts in institutional repositories or on their websites before and during the submission process and to post the Publisher’s final formatted PDF version after publication. These practices benefit authors with productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citations of published work. This journal is a fully open-access journal, which means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication. The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) allows users to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
Benefits of open access for authors include:
- Authors retain copyright to their work.
- Free access for all users worldwide.
- Increased visibility and readership.
- No spatial constraints.
- Rapid publication.
Other benefits of open access for authors:
- Fast Publishing: Minimize authors’ long waiting aspect as open-access publishes accepted articles immediately online. All research articles published in this journal journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share.
- High Availability: Manuscripts are available on all search engines and indexing databases, especially Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Microsoft Academic, etc.
- High Publicity: Authors get publicity, acceptance, and recognition in the scientific world.
- Maximize the Citation: Authors get frequent citations in others’ articles.
- Minimizing the Cost: It allows only one-time payment for the processing of accepted manuscripts and ensures lifetime online availability.
- Recognition and Acceptance of Research work: Authors’ researches get full recognition among the intellectual community without any constraints.
Data Sharing Policy
The Journal of Islamic Political Studies uses the Basic Data Sharing Policy. The journal is committed to a more open research landscape, facilitating faster and more effective research discovery by enabling reproducibility and verification of data, methodology, and reporting standards. The journal encourages authors to cite and share their research data including, but not limited to: raw data, processed data, software, algorithms, protocols, methods, and materials. Authors are encouraged to share or make open the data supporting the results, or analyses presented in their article where this does not violate the protection of human subjects or other valid privacy or security concerns.
The journal encourages authors to share the data and other artifacts supporting the results in the article by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Authors should include a Data Accessibility Statement, including a link to the repository they have used so that this statement can be published alongside their article. The journal requires authors of Original Investigations, Case Reports, and Special Paper articles to (1) place the de-identified data associated with the manuscript in a repository; and (2) include a Data Availability Statement in the manuscript describing where and how the data can be accessed.
The journal defines data as the digital materials underlying the results described in the manuscript, including but not limited to spreadsheets, text files, interview recordings or transcripts, images, videos, output from statistical software, and computer code or scripts. Authors are expected to deposit at least the minimum amount of data needed to reproduce the results described in the manuscript.
Data can be placed in any repository that makes data publicly available and provides a unique persistent identifier, including institutional repositories, general repositories (e.g., Figshare, Open Science Framework, Zenodo, Dryad, Harvard Dataverse, OpenICPSR), or discipline-specific repositories. The Data Availability Statement should be placed in the manuscript at the end of the main text before the references. This statement must include (1) an indication of the location of the data; (2) a unique identifier, such as a digital object identifier (DOI), accession number, or persistent uniform resource locator (URL); and (3) any instructions for accessing the data, if applicable. At the point of submission, you will be asked if there is a data set associated with the article. If you reply yes, you will be asked to provide the DOI, pre-registered DOI, hyperlink, or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). If you have selected to provide a pre-registered DOI, please be prepared to share the reviewer URL associated with your data deposit, upon request by reviewers. Where one or multiple data sets are associated with a manuscript, these are not formally peer-reviewed as a part of the journal submission process. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the soundness of the data. Any errors in the data rest solely with the producers of the data set(s). Please note: As you are submitting your manuscript to the journal where submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed, the main text file should not include any information that might identify the authors (i.e., Author Name, Address, Conflict of Interest, and fund-related information). As a data availability statement could reveal your identity, we recommend that you remove this from the anonymized version of the manuscript. Exceptions to this policy will be made in rare cases in which de-identified data cannot be shared due to their proprietary nature or participant privacy concerns. Exceptions to policy and restrictions on data availability are granted for reasons associated with the protection of human privacy, issues such as biosafety, and/or to respect terms of use for data obtained under license from third parties. Confidential data, e.g., human subjects or patient data, should always be anonymized, or permission to share should be obtained in advance. If in doubt, authors should seek counsel from their institution’s ethics committee.
Authors should include a data accessibility statement, including a link to the repository they have used so that this statement can be published alongside their article. Below are a few examples:
Data Availability Statement:
Benefits of Sharing Data:
There are several benefits to sharing data:
The Journal of Islamic Political Studies offers the following standardized data-sharing policies across our journals:
Data Citation
Data should be cited in the same way as article, book, and web citations, and authors are required to include data citations as part of their reference list. Data citation is appropriate for data held within institutional, subject-focused, or more general data repositories. It is not intended to take the place of community standards such as in-line citation of GenBank accession codes. When citing or making claims based on data, authors must refer to the data at the relevant place in the manuscript text and in addition provide a formal citation in the reference list. The journal follows the format proposed by the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles:
Authors; Year; Dataset title; Data repository or archive; Version (if any); Persistent identifier (e.g., DOI)”.
Please send questions, concerns, or comments to the journal office at