The Traditionalist Political Reconstruction and Anti-traditionalist Social Renovation A Comparative and Critical Study of Two Readings of Modernization in Contemporary Iran: Political Reconstruction and Social Renovation

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in Research Center of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.


The present article deals with an analytical and critical investigation of the traditionalist and anti-traditionalist readings of modernism, during the periods of Constitutionalism and 1st Pahlavi, in a comparative study of the thought and practice of ʿAllāmah Nāʾīnī and Reza Shah. This article tries to explain, by using the methodological facilities of hermeneutic phenomenology, the interpretive trend leading to the emergence of those two readings and find a way to discovering the logic effective in phenomenological emergence of those readings as interpretive systems in the contemporary Iran. Such an approach makes it possible for research to specify some of the consequences resulted from approaching those two readings. To do such an important task, as required by methodology, this article firstly investigates the individual and social lived experiences of ʿAllāma Nāʾīnī and Reza Shah, and secondly identifies and studies the hermeneutic background leading to formation of those two readings in phenomenological emergence of their experiences.


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