Political Obligation of Migration to Yathrib in the Quran with the Approach of Reviewing the Performance of the Prophet’s Companions

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran



The present study aims at investigating the political obligation of migrating to Yathrib (now Medina) in the Quran with an approach of reviewing the performance of the Prophet’s Companions. According to the results of the study, conducted through a descriptive-analytical method, we infer from the Quran’s verses that migration to Medina was obligatory for all Companions. Most Sunnites, based on their accepted foundation – i.e. the theory of the Companions’ justice – and adducing the verse 100 of Surah Towba, have considered the Companions’ performance in the political movement of migration as accepted and with no deficiency. However, this is not an acceptable view, for a number of Muslims in Mecca and Bedouins around Medina got into political disobedience and refused to migrate. On the other hand, after the migration, it seems that a group of emigrants returned to desert without getting permission from the Prophet and got into the Arabization after the migration. Considering the obligation of migration to Medina between the year one and eight of hijrah, all these three groups – i.e. Meccans not migrated, Bedouins not migrated, and those who returned from Medina to desert, committed a major sin. On the one hand, the divine consent mentioned in verse 100 of Surah Towba cannot mean the rightness of the performance of all of them regarding the issue of migration, because satisfaction from the emigrants mentioned in the verse is not absolute. Rather, it is conditioned on the continuity of faith and righteous deeds, while the Quranic and historical propositions do not confirm this continuity for all Companions.


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