Explaining the Characteristics of Islamic Politics and its Executers from the Viewpoint of the Surah Jum‘a

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, University of Islamic Art, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

3 PhD of Islamic Architecture, University of Islamic Art, Tabriz, Iran



The present study aims at answering the following question: “What are the characteristics of Islamic politics and its executers?” Thus, using a structural-thematic method, we tried to present a precise image of the characteristics of the Islamic politics in the context of the concepts found in the Surah Jum‘a (Sheikh-zada, 1390 SH). In this regard, we studied the methods and strategies of discovering the main purpose of the Surah (context of the verses, the name of the Surah, investigating the Meccan/ Medinan origin of the Surah, investigating the Beautiful Divine Names); features of the Islamic politics (sanctity, might, wisdom); the characteristics of the executer of the Islamic politics; Divinity and Lordship in the Surah Jum‘a, and the Friday Prayer and remembrance of God. Besides, we tried to show that the concepts of the Quranic surahs and verses are the main source for explaining the characteristics of the Islamic politics and its executers. The results will help the Islamic politicians to be able to step in the path of realization of the Islamic politics. The results showed that the main theme in the Surah Jum‘a is leading the Islamic nation to sanctity, might and wisdom. Besides, the necessity of religious authority (Wilāya) and authority-centrism in Islamic governments after the Prophet and paying special attention to the ritual-political obligation of Friday Prayer are considered as the main themes of the Surah.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Quran

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